Types of Gifts in an Estate Plan

There are a variety of ways to leave gifts in your estate plan, via a Will or a Trust. Finding the best way to leave a gift to a specific person or group of people, depends on the asset, the person receiving the gift, and your goals. Specific Gifts When you name a...

No Administration Necessary

When a person dies intestate – without a will, a family member can file a Petition stating that no administration is necessary. This allows smaller estates to avoid the probate process. The person must file the petition and pay the filing fees in addition to some...

Determining the Validity of a Will

For a Will to be valid in Georgia, it must meet several legal requirements. If you have a Will that you want to change, even if you tell people you want to change it your old Will is the only valid Will you have until you execute a new Will or Codicil to your Will....