Year-End Review 2022

As we reach the end of 2022, I like to take time to review the goals I set for myself and determine if I have unmet goals that are still achievable. I also try to take time to meet with my advisors to make any adjustments that are needed to my financial plan and for...

Christmas Gift Ideas for Adult Children

Each year, beginning in the fall, I start looking for gift ideas for my adult children. This year, I wish to share some ideas for gifts for adult children that I, my staff, our clients, and referral partners have come up with. I hope you find these ideas useful. The...

Social Security Survivor’s Benefits

We work with our clients after the death of their loved ones and get many questions regarding social security and whether any of the survivors are entitled to continuing benefits. When loved ones pass away, there are lots of considerations, including what happens to...

Holiday Wishes: Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving! I try to reflect on the many blessings I receive daily, but at this time of the year, I especially want to take the opportunity to reflect on the past year, the people and things I am thankful for, and to express my thanks for the many blessings I...