Saving for Your Grandchildren

Welcoming a new generation into your family is a joyous occasion. While you may want to provide financial support for your grandchildren’s future, there are several ways to save and invest wisely to secure their financial well-being. Saving for your...

Transferring Business Assets in Probate

The death of a loved one can be a deeply emotional time. If they owned a business, the additional complexities of probate can add significant stress. One crucial aspect to navigate is the transfer of business assets within the probate process. Understanding Probate...

Estate and Gift Tax Exemption and Exclusion

The current estate and gift tax exemption of 2024 is $13,610,000.00 (or $27,220,000.00 for a couple). There is still a step-up in basis for inherited property and assets, and the annual gifting limits are higher than ever at $18,000.00 (or $36,000.00 for a couple) per...